Thursday, November 12, 2015

Guild newsletter, November 2015

Greater Birmingham Fiber Guild
P.O. Box 660723, Birmingham, AL 35266-0723

Newsletter of the Greater Birmingham Fiber Guild 


                      President’s Column   



Hello Fiber Friends!

I hope this finds everyone merrily working on their holiday gifts! I still have some up my sleeve that I hope will be under the tree!!!! I am trying to finish my Ravelry socks...which were quite educational! Just goes to show even if you've knit something for 20 years you can always learn a new trick!!!
I am at the close of my Presidency and I have to say with the help of a very hardworking Board, we have managed to build a very vibrant, active, fun Guild!!! We will be electing officers at the December party and I am very confident that all our fun will continue and get even better!!!!! 
I will be entering my next phase....being a Grandmother! AND the good news is they are moving to Huntsville so I will have a very busy November and December!! Such fun to knit and sew those little girly articles:)
Hope to see you at the meeting! The program is on a very cool kind of weaving! 
Karen Ford


November Program
November 14
10 a.m.
In the Making
Cahaba Heights


For our November meeting, we’re excited to hear from guild member and textile artist Miriam Norris Omura, who will talk about her work as a weaver in a program entitled “A Contemporary Shift on Double Ikat: dye painted warp and weft.” Miriam will do a brief lecture with slide show and video clips giving a bit of background on traditional ikat, showing images of four contemporary artists (including herself) whose work pulls from ikat influences, and then Miriam will  talk specifically about her own process. She’s bringing samples of her work so we can see her technique up close, and she will have detailed handouts for those weavers who want to try their hand at the process.  Please join us for this exciting program.  One of the great benefits of a guild membership is getting to see what extraordinary work our members do, and get a chance to hear first-hand how they make the magic happen. 

Holiday Party
December 12

The holiday party will be held at Mary Kaiser's house (address and directions in the December newsletter).  It's a potluck lunch, so bring a salad or dessert to share.  The guild will provide drinks.  We will have our traditional gift exchange this year.  The theme is containers--boxes, bags, any container for tools and supplies.  Fiber crafters can never have too many of these.  Please limit spending to $15 or less, and wrap your gift, but put it in an anonymous brown-paper bag.  At the party, the slate of officers for 2016 will be elected.

Proposed 2016 Officers
The nominating committee proposes the following members for 2016 offices.  Anyone else may submit their name for election.

President           Mary Kaiser
Programs           Jennifer Lackey
Workshops         Mary Spanos and Elizabeth Young
Newsletter         Deborah Kattus
Membership       Jana Ford
Treasurer            Nancy Lavender
Secretary            Jan McMahon
Web                     Emily Levitan
Past President    Karen Ford

Interesting Fiber Items to Read and Check Out...

The Guild on the Web

Between newsletters and meetings, keep up with the guild on the web at:
    If you don't want to miss new posts to the guild blog, you can choose to receive new posts by email. Go to the blog and look for "Follow by Email" on the right hand side of the page. Type your email address in the window and click "Submit." If you want to have something posted on the blog, send it to
   You can post to the guild's Facebook page yourself! Emily shares information and posts that she receives on the guild's Facebook group page and keep Facebook users up to date on what is going on in the guild.
   Ravelry isn't just for knitters anymore. Crocheters, weavers, and spinners all upload photos, project information, and patterns. Kathryn is managing the GBFG group and has posted helpful information on participating in the Ravelry guild group on the blog, find it at

For Sale
Schacht double treadle spinning wheel for sale - $800.00 negotiable.  1 year old, barely used.  Included are  several Schacht bobbins, lazy kate, and extra cord for the drive band.  Included is  a DVD by Rita Buchanan, "How I Spin", using the Schacht spinning wheel.   If you are interested please contact, David Coward, e-mail -  Or  tel: 662-251-2754.
This wheel was owned by a dear friend of mine, who recently passed.  The wheel  is located in  Columbus, Mississippi.     Thanks.  Debbie Scott


Membership Renewal

Because our membership has grown so much, it was decided by the Board that having a membership form would be a good idea.  This is so we can keep track of all our members to make sure you receive the newsletter and other communications.  It will also give us an idea of what fiber arts the members are interested in so we can plan workshops and programs accordingly .  Please submit the form with your check when you renew your membership for 2016.  These need to be mailed to the GBFG address or give to Nancy Lavender at the meetings.  The new membership year starts in January 2016 but you may submit this before then if you wish.


Member information form 2016


Email address:                                    

Ravelry name:                                     

Phone number:                                    



Fiber crafts you do:      Spinning         Knitting         Weaving         Crochet         Sewing         Tatting         Quilting     Embroidery      Other (please describe):

Are there any programs or workshops you would like to give?

Are there any programs or workshops you would like take?


         Study Groups Meet Monthly

  • Spinning Study Group:  4th Wednesday of the month from 10 am to 2 pm at St. Peter’s Church in Hoover.  Please check out the GBFG Blog  for cancellations or schedule changes.
  • Nancy Clemmons is interested in sharing her love of tatting with others by teaching one or more in her home. Please contact her if you are interested.
  • More groups may meet in the future.  Watch the newsletter for more information and let a board member know if you are interested in a study group.

Newsletter News...
Each month, I am planning to have items coming from YOU, our Guild members. These will include short book reviews related to any fiber art; a tip you have discovered and used that make your fiber art a little bit easier to execute; any fiber related articles; and a fiber question you would love answers or suggestions from other guild members. Please send your ideas, suggestions, book recommendations, questions to me (Deborah Kattus ) by the 20th of the month to go into the following month's newsletter.
Email me at and put GBFG Newsletter in the subject line.


Greater Birmingham Fiber Guild
The Greater Birmingham Fiber Guild is comprised of individuals dedicated to the dissemination and preservation of fiber arts.  Meetings are the second Saturday of the month, 10:00-12:00 (no meeting in July). Visitors are welcome.  The Guild offers programs almost monthly, focused workshops several times a year, and equipment rental (see below). 
 2015 Officers and Board 
Karen Ford – President
Mary Kaiser – Program
Debbie Scott – Workshops
Emily Levitan - Membership
Nancy Lavender – Treasurer
Janice Weinstein - Secretary
Mary Spanos – Website
Deborah Kattus - Newsletter
Janelle Zorko Schultz - Past President


Rental of Guild Equipment & Materials

The Guild has available, for rental to members, the following:
There will be a $30 deposit per DVD (Lucy Neatby) and $100 deposit for the drum carder. Deposit for Laura Fry's materials still to be determined.
The rental fee for all items is $5 per month rented.
Equipment can only be checked out at Fiber Guild monthly meetings and a check-out list will be posted inside the door of the cabinet. Deposit checks will be held by Nancy Lavender, treasurer, until returned in original condition.
Copyright © 2015 Greater Birmingham Fiber Guild, All rights reserved.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Friday night spin study!!

From Jen Lackey...

I’m so sorry for the INCREDIBLY short notice, but let’s start our evening spinning study group this Friday (that's tomorrow night, November 6). That’s the first Friday of the month at 6pm at my house. There’s parking in a driveway behind the house or on Saulter in front of the house. If you’d like a map, email me and I’ll send it to you.

Come whenever you can and stay as long as you like but we’ll say 6pm as a general start time.
Hope you can come!

(You can see the address on the Ravelry post in the Monthly Spin Study thread. We're is being careful about putting personal addresses up on the blog.)