Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Updated by-laws for review

Hello everyone! The board, lead by president Mary Kaiser, has been working on updating the Greater Birmingham Fiber Guild by-laws. They have been amended to reflect the current functioning of the Guild and the roles of the board members. Please review the proposed by-laws below. We will be voting on whether to ratify the by-laws at our August meeting.

1996, Revised 2016


Section 1. NAME: The name of this organization shall be: The Greater Birmingham Fiber Guild.

Section 2. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Guild shall be to provide education for its members that will stimulate an interest in the fiber arts as well as encourage all fiber craft people to strive for the highest standards of excellence, to create fellowship among its members, and to promote public awareness through exhibition, demonstration and education.


Section 1. MEMBERSHIP: Membership shall be open to any person interested in the fiber arts. There shall be two forms of membership: participating (one vote); family (two votes).

All members must be current in dues to vote on business brought before the guild. The membership year shall be January 1 through December 31.

Section 2. DUES:

Participating (1 vote) $25/year  Family (2 votes) $30/year

New member joining after June 1:  $l2.50

Dues shall be payable January 1 and delinquent February 28. Any member failing to pay current dues before delinquent date shall forfeit all rights of membership.

Section 3. MEMBERSHIP PRIVILEGES: Members in good standing shall be able to hold a board position if elected, vote on all guild business, attend board meetings (may not vote on board issues unless an elected member of the board), participate on committees, have access to all equipment owned by the guild, and share their talents through teaching programs, demonstrating for local events and contributing to the guild newsletter.


Section 1. OFFICERS: The officers of this guild shall be: President. 1st  Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, Workshop Chair, and Social Media Chair.

Section 2: TERM OF OFFICE: The term of office shall be for one year and may be held no more than two consecutive years for President.  Other board positions may be renewed indefinitely. Terms of office shall begin January 1 and end December 31.

Section 3. VACANCIES: If an office is vacated before the expiration of the designated term it may be filled by the Executive Board.

Section 4. EXECUTIVE BOARD: The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers and the immediate past president and shall be empowered to allocate funds to transact guild business and manage guild affairs between meetings.


Section 1. PRESIDENT: The president shall preside at all general as well as board meetings. shall be a member ex-officio of all committees except the nominating committee and shall appoint all committee chairpersons.

Section 2. 1st VICE PRESIDENT: The 1st Vice President shall act for the President in case of absence or inability to serve until such time as the President is able to resume responsibility and shall serve as a program chairman. As Program Chairperson. this member shall plan programs for the entire year in office. make arrangements for fees charged. materials needed, location, transportation. accommodations of any special speakers and submit appropriate information to newsletter editor in a timely manner regarding programs, as well as attend all general and board meetings or send a representative.

Section 3. 2nd VICE PRESIDENT: The 2nd Vice President shall be responsible for the promotion of membership in the guild, keep membership records and roster up to date, shall put together a membership packet for new members containing a complete listing of by-laws, guild membership roster, temporary nametag, and any pertinent information about the guild and attend all general and board meetings .

Section 4. SECRETARY: The Secretary shall record the proceedings of all board meetings and handle all official correspondence, and attend all general and board meetings.

Section 5. TREASURER: The Treasurer shall receive and keep accounts of all money received and expended and attend all general and board meetings.

Section 6 NEWSLETTER EDITOR: The Newsletter Editor shall be responsible for obtaining information for the guild newsletter from any officer, committee chairperson, or member in good standing by the end of the preceding month, as well as editing, writing, and distributing the newsletter to all members and reciprocating guilds and attend all general and board meetings.

Section 7. WORKSHOP CHAIRPERSON: The Workshop Chairperson shall be responsible for organizing and promoting guild workshops throughout the year and attend all general and board meetings.

Section 8.  SOCIAL MEDIA CHAIRPERSON: The Social Media Chairperson shall head up the Social Media Committee, and will be responsible for maintaining the guild blog and/or webpage, and with the committee, maintain a guild presence on Facebook, Instagram, Ravelry, the guild Yahoo group  and other social media outlets deemed appropriate by the guild, and attend all general and board meetings.


Section 1. MEETINGS: General meetings shall consist of a short business meeting, including show-and-tell of members’ recent work  and a program. These meetings shall be held on the second Saturday of each month except July.  May and December meetings will be the guild picnic and the holiday party.

Section 2. BOARD MEETINGS: Board meetings shall be held monthly, prior to general Guild meeting  as deemed necessary by the guild president or executive board request.


Section 1. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: A Nominating committee of three members shall be selected at the September meeting. It shall consist of a chairperson appointed by the president and two (2) members in good standing voted from the floor. The committee shall meet and select a proposed slate of officers to be presented in writing to the general membership at the October meeting. A copy of the proposed slate must be given to the newsletter editor for publication prior to deadline of September 25th for the October issue.

Section 2. ADDITIONAL NOMINATION: Nominations in addition to those submitted by the committee may be accepted from the floor at the October meeting provided that consent has been obtained from the nominee prior to the meeting.

Section 3. VOTING: Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of members present at the December holiday party, and their terms of office will begin January 1.


1.      Social Media Committee
2.      Exhibit Committee
3.      Nominating Committee (See ARTICLE VI, Section 1)

Section 2. STANDING COMMITTEES GUIDELINES: Standing committees shall operate as a volunteer-based committee with a presidential appointed chairperson or executive board member chairperson to head. Each committee shall set guidelines for their particular committee subject to board approval.

Section 3. SPECIAL COMMITTEES: Special committees shall be appointed by the president in the event of need to serve for limited periods of time or be responsible for special projects.


These by-laws may be amended at any regular or called meeting of the Guild by a majority vote of members present, a written notice having been sent of the proposed amendment at least one month in advance of the meeting. Absent members may submit an amendment vote in writing, such vote to be received by meeting time at which amendment votes are counted.


The rules contained in the current edition of Roberts’ Rules of Order shall govern the Guild in all cases except where they are not consistent with these By-laws and any special rules or order that the Guild may adopt.


Any assets which this Guild may own or acquire are irrevocably dedicated to education purposes and upon dissolution or abandonment of this organization such assets will be turned over to one or more organizations which themselves are exempt as organizations described in sections 501 © <3> of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law or  a corporation contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (3) <2> of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or any other corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law. No part of the assets of the Guild shall inure to the benefit of any member thereof, and this Guild shall not devote any substantial portion of said assets for the purpose of carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation.


1. Equipment belonging to the guild shall be maintained and inventoried on a regular basis. A fee to be determined by the board shall be charged for the rental of guild equipment and that money shall be used to purchase new (or repair existing) equipment as needed. A deposit to be determined by the board shall also be obtained at the time of the rental that is non-refundable if said equipment is not returned or returned in damaged condition. The chairperson shall keep good record of the location of equipment and enforce the return date policy established by the committee.

2. The guild shall try to maintain good standing in statewide as well as national fiber organizations through paid membership as determined by a vote of the general membership.

3. Members shall attempt to wear nametags to all meetings.

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