Monday, December 11, 2017

GBFG January 2018 meeting: potluck and gift exchange

Hi everybody.  Hope you all survived the snow.  We will re-group in January with a "New Year's celebration" to make up for our cancelled holiday party.

For our January meeting, we'll do the pot luck and gift exchange.  If you want to participate, please bring a bag to exchange and a dish to share.  We'll also do Resolutions and announcements.

Feel free to start paying your 2018 Membership dues.  Deadline is Feb. 28th.  You can pay at the the January meeting, mail a check, or pay using  our Paypal account, which is either this email address ( or our link (  PLEASE mark it as sending money to Friends and Family and not that you are paying for goods or services. 

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

GBFG December 2017 newsletter

Newsletter of the Greater Birmingham Fiber Guild 


                      President’s Corner   

You feel a general sense of well being.  You know that all is going to be right with the world.  Peace washes over you and you feel a warm glow from deep within.  How is this happening? Is it the prospect of a long winter’s nap? Is it a new loom under the tree? Is it the goodwill of your fellow man?   NO! It’s the Annual Guild Holiday Party!!   I can’t wait to take a break from the end-of-the-semester-thick-of-the-holiday crazies and spend some time with my fuzz friends as we bring this fantastic year of fiber fellowship to a finale (see what I did there with all the “f”s? we all sing Fa La La La La, La, La, La, La – 9 “L”s to 1 “F”, just doing my part to set right the balance of the Universe).  Hope to see you all!!


To be voted on at December meeting:

Proposed Slate of Officers for 2018
President--Jennifer Lackey
Programs--Rehka Drwiega
Workshops--Mary Spanos and Mary Margaret Grey
Secretary--Shira Robinowich-Miller
Treasurer--Nancy Lavender
Social Media (Blog)--Barbara Gower (with Kathryn Pitt and Janna Ford)
Membership--Chloe Hope
Newsletter--Betsy Lowery


December Holiday Party
December 9, 2017 
Hoover Church of Christ
11 a.m.

Our annual Holiday party will be held at our usual meeting place.  This year it will be a potluck so bring something to share with everyone,  The gift exchange will be a "bag" with maximum value of $15.  Place your bag in a brown grocery bag.  There will be no "Dirty Santa" activity.

Study Group Changes for November and December
The Guild has found that combining meetings has worked well for the busy holiday months.  Knitting Study usually meets the third Wednesday, Spinning the fourth Wednesday.  We will combine both groups to the 3rd Wednesday for the months of November and December.
So we will meet November 15 and December 20 10-2 in the Holy Family Room at St. Peter's in Hoover (park behind the church, come in the large back entrance, walk toward the loud voices.)  Everyone is welcome.  Bring a lunch or plan to take a break and go out for lunch.


Membership Dues Renewals
It"s time to pay our dues for 2018.    Dues for 2018 will be $25. You may now pay using PayPal. 
Use  this link or use our gmail account

 If you prefer to pay by check, please give to Nancy Lavender or mail to :
Greater Birmingham Fiber Guild
PO Box 660723
Birmingham, Al 35266-072

Also, please fill out the following application:


Member information form 2017


Email address:                                    

Ravelry name:                                     

Phone number:                                    



Fiber crafts you do:      Spinning         Knitting         Weaving         Crochet         Sewing         Tatting         Quilting     Embroidery      Other (please describe):

Are there any programs or workshops you would like to give?

Are there any programs or workshops you would like take?

How not to miss out on guild news:
    If you don't want to miss new posts to the guild blog, you can choose to receive new posts by email. Go to the blog and look for "Follow by Email" on the right hand side of the page. Type your email address in the window and click "Submit." If you want to have something posted on the blog, send it to
You can post to the guild's Facebook page yourself! Janna shares information and posts that she receives on the guild's Facebook group page and keep Facebook users up to date on what is going on in the guild.
   Ravelry isn't just for knitters anymore. Crocheters, weavers, and spinners all upload photos, project information, and patterns. Kathryn is managing the GBFG group and has posted helpful information on participating in the Ravelry guild group on the blog, find it at

         Study Groups Meet Monthly

We would love to have some information on what each of these groups is presently pursuing.  Please email me ( with anything you would like posted.

  • First Thursday Spinning and Weaving Group:  Spin & Weave Night, 6:30-9:00pm at St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Hoover (on Patton Chapel Rd, across from Hoover Church of Christ). Park behind the church, come in the large glass doors, walk toward the happy, loud voices. Everyone is welcome! Contact Kathryn Pitt at for details.
  • Spinning Study Group:  4th Wednesday of the month from 10 am to 2 pm at St. Peter’s Church in Hoover. Please check out the GBFG Blog  for cancellations or schedule changes.
  • Nancy Clemmons is hosting a tatting and crochet group at her home.  Please check the group discussion thread on Ravelry for more information. 

The Guild on the Web

Between newsletters and meetings, keep up with the guild on the web at:

Newsletter News...
Each month, we would like to have news from you to share with all of us.  If you have a favorite blog, website, book, etc that you would like for us to feature, please 
email me at and put GBFG Newsletter in the subject line.


Greater Birmingham Fiber Guild
The Greater Birmingham Fiber Guild is comprised of individuals dedicated to the dissemination and preservation of fiber arts.  Meetings are the second Saturday of the month, 10:00-2:00 (no meeting in July). Visitors are welcome.  The Guild offers programs almost monthly, focused workshops several times a year, and equipment rental (see below). 
 2017 Officers and Board 

President:  Jennifer Lackey
Programs:  Jennifer Justiss
Workshops:  Shira Robinowich-Miller
Treasurer:  Nancy Lavender
Secretary:  Maddy McLendon
Social Media (Blog): Barbara Gower
Membership:  Janna Ford
Newsletter:  Deb Kattus
Past President:  Mary Kaiser