Monday, March 16, 2020


Guild study group meetings are canceled for the remainder of March and including the First Thursday Spinning and Weaving meeting in April. Guild members will be meeting online on Ravelry and Facebook.

The guild can be found on Ravelry at

On Facebook, you can find us at Greater Birmingham Fiber Guild.

Join in our conversations! Hope you have a happy and productive quarartine!

Friday, March 13, 2020

Changes to March Meeting

Being strong while also being sensitive is challenging!

Plans for our March meeting have changed in light of the COVID-19 situation. We have postponed Karen Ford's Spinning 201 program, but we will meet at the usual time and place (10:00 at Hoover Church of Christ) to have a Fiber Comfort and Support Group meeting.

Karen's spinning programs are too good to have when many of our members may not be able to attend. We'll schedule Karen again in a month or two, when our world has gotten back to our old normal or found a new normal.

In the mean time, if you are able and need to get out and spend time with fiber people, please bring your current project and join us for a little comforting fiber time. We'll prop the door open and you might be able to come in and stay for a while without touching anything or anyone. Bring anything you want to drink or eat, we are suspending our usual coffee and snacks this month (you know COVID is evil when it gets in the way of coffee and cake).

Monday, March 9, 2020

New Meeting Format!!

We are trying out a new meeting format at our March meeting. Show & Tell has always been an important part of our meetings. We all feel appreciated and encouraged when we get to show our work to people who really understand it and we get so inspired when we see the beautiful things our fiber friends make. As our group has grown it has become difficult to have both a program and Show & Tell at each meeting.

For the past couple of years we have tried taking a lunch break after the program and coming back for Show & Tell. Some people can't stay that long and have missed participating in everything. So we are going to try another approach. This may work or it may lead us to another idea.

10:00-10:30  Show & Tell Gallery
Bring your latest masterpiece or work in progress or new tool and place it on the long tables near the coffee pot. Put your name on a maker’s card with the item and then hang around and talk to people about your work. We hope this will allow us to keep Show & Tell as an important part of our meetings while still allowing our busy members to get everything done they need to do on meeting days.

10:30-10:45-ish  Business Meeting
A very short business meeting so everyone knows what is coming up.

10:45-ish to noon  The Program
Special programs may run to 1:00, we’ll announce that in the meeting notices.

Guild Meeting, March 2020

Spindle Spinning 201

Date:   March14, 2020                         
Time: 10:00am til noon
Place: Hoover Church of Christ Fellowship Hall on the lower level

Karen Ford has taught so many members how to spin on a spindle. This year she will quickly cover the basics and then move on to some "intermediate" topics. We hope to have a few spindle kits for those who don't have a spindle to purchase. Everyone is encouraged to bring their favorite spindle or wheel, or their current spinning project and spin together during the meeting and program.

If you have a spindle that you can loan, please bring that, too.

In addition, we'll have a special table set up if you want to sell any spinning related equipment or fibers. Mark your price and be prepared to handle your own sales. Of course, you are welcome to bring any spinning items that you want to give away, things that need to be re-homed.

Bring: Your own spindle and wool, or bring your wheel. We hope to have a limited number of kits (simple spindles and wool) available for purchase.

Coffee, water and a light snack will be provided.