Thursday, May 7, 2020

May Guild Meeting on Zoom!

Greater Birmingham Fiber Guild Meeting Announcement 

Date:   May 9, 2020, always the 2nd Saturday   
Time: 10:00am until 12:00pm
Place:  our Guild ZoomRoom!   Bring: Photos of your workspace at home
NEW! Mailed-To-Your-Door-Prize: A random number generator will be used to choose one or two members from the membership list. The winner will have the prize mailed to them at the home address on the guild member directory! All members will be included! You do not have to be present to win!

Program: Our Workspace at Home 

Several guild members will give us a tour of their work spaces. It will be great to see how other fiber people organize (or don't organize!) their studios/rooms/corners. Since the May program will be a ZoomRoom meeting, we are excited to make this meeting fun!

Come join us!

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