Friday, June 11, 2021

June's Guild Meeting, Saturday, June 12

 From Llewelyn's email to members...

6- 2021 Greater Birmingham Fiber Guild Meeting Announcement

Meet us on the second Saturday of   June, 2021

Date:   June 12, 2021                          Time: 10:00am until 12:00pm

Place: Zoom Room 2021(See access information below)

Program: Tools and Large Collections Show and Tell

Dust off that large lovely collection of Spindles, Knitting needles, Crochet hooks, Shuttles, Looms, Bobbins, Rug hooks, Wheels and other fiber centric tools and be ready to show off what you've got! We want to see what you use to create with- particularly things you would not be likely to bring to an In-Person meeting!

Keep your presentation down to 5 minutes or less so we can get around to everyone who wants to share, please.


! Mailed-To-Your-Door-Prize!: A random number generator will be used to choose two members from the membership list. The winner will have the prize mailed to them at the home address on the guild member directory! All members will be included!

You do not have to be present to win!

Our July meeting will be a Casual Sit and Knit (or crochet, spin, whatever) via Zoom.

Since we do not usually meet in July, there is no planned program.



Study Groups Meet Monthly (ZoomRoom meetings will replace most of these until further notice)

First Thursday Spinning and Weaving Group: Spin & Weave Night, 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. at St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Hoover (on Patton Chapel Rd, across from Hoover Church of Christ). Park behind the church, come in the large glass doors, walk toward the happy, loud voices. Everyone is welcome! Please see Ravelry for details.

Spinning Study Group: 4th Wednesday of the month, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at St. Peter’s Church in Hoover. Please check out the GBFG Blog for cancellations or schedule changes.


Membership Dues and Renewal

The Guild’s membership year runs January through December. Annual dues are $25. Please pay your dues yearly before February 28. Thank you! You may pay by cash/check at any meeting or mail (send a message to and ask for the USPS address). Dues also can be paid using PayPal. Mark it “friends/family” and NOT “goods/services”. Use this link: or use our gmail account


The Guild on the Web: or


Facebook page,


If you don't want to miss new posts to the guild blog, you can choose to receive new posts by email. Go to the blog and look for "Follow by Email" on the right hand side of the page. Type your email address in the window and click "Submit." You can post to the guild's Facebook page yourself! The page manager shares information and posts what she receives on the guild's Facebook group page and keeps Facebook users up to date on what is going on in the guild. Ravelry isn't just for knitters anymore. Crocheters, weavers, and spinners all upload photos, project information, and patterns. Find helpful information on participating in the Ravelry guild group on the blog,

Greater Birmingham Fiber Guild

The Greater Birmingham Fiber Guild is comprised of individuals dedicated to the dissemination and preservation of fiber arts. Meetings are the second Saturday of the month, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (no meeting in July). Visitors are welcome. The Guild offers programs almost monthly, focused workshops several times a year, and equipment rental.

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